The organza is silky and floaty and gives even the cheap cotton fabric I'm using for the skirt a luxurious feel. I kinda wish I'd used organza as interlining for the entire skirt. But that would have been carrying things too far.
The skirt is flared, lightly gathered at the waist. I find it works better for me to hand baste the waist band to the gathered edge before sewing the final seam. It allows me to arrange the gathers exactly as I want them to fall. Maybe when I'm more experienced I will not need to do this, but I don't mind really. I first learned to sew when I was a small child, maybe 7 years old. My great grandmother, who was born in the 1880's and probably made entire garments by hand (I never thought to ask her this), gave me scraps of fabric and showed me how to make them into dresses for my dolls. One of the things she showed me how to make was a gathered skirt. I was too young to use a machine, so of course I made everything by hand. That may be why I don't mind hand-sewing and feel quite comfortable with a thimble on the middle finger of my right hand.
I've been surprised, when reading sewing blogs, to see people writing that they cannot bear to use a thimble.

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